Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.
SAGUACHE, Colo. – A 31-year-old Indiana man says he had not food but kept himself hydrated with Mountain Dew and snow while he was stuck in his snow-covered SUV in southwestern Colorado for three days.
Jason Pede was rescued Sunday morning after his vehicle ran out of gas and he walked seven miles to a road, signaling for help with a flashlight.
Pede was driving from Dulce, N.M., to the Colorado resort town of Aspen to deliver an Australian Shepherd rescue dog when he got stuck.
Pede, of Chesterton, Ind., says a “local” told him about a shortcut to Aspen and that’s how he became stranded somewhere in the Rio Grande National Forest in snow that went above the hood of his Lincoln Navigator.
He was lucky.
How many things can you find in this very brief article that this young man did wrong?
#1 is probably taking a ’shortcut’ that was unfamiliar to him. (Shades of James Kim.)
You can pick up the rest, I’m sure.